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What Questions to Ask

What to Ask Your Eye Care Specialist


You can make the most of your eye appointment and make yourself an informed partner in your family's eye care by asking your doctor pertinent questions. Drs. Brett Rhode, Daniel Ferguson, Daniel Paskowitz, Michael Raciti and David Scheidt suggest the following:


  • What is my visual acuity (on the 20/20 scale)?


  • Do I have any eye diseases or disorders?


  • What caused my condition? Is it hereditary?


  • How will this condition affect my vision and lifestyle—now and in the future?


  • Should I watch for any symptoms and notify you if they occur?


  • What kinds of tests do I need?


  • Why do I need them?


  • When do I need them?


  • What is the best medical/surgical treatment for me?


  • When will treatment start, and how long will it last?


  • What are the risks, side effects, benefits and success rates for treatment?


  • Are other treatments available?


  • Are there foods, drugs or activities I should avoid?


  • If I need to take a medication, what should I do if I miss a dose?


  • ​Would diet, exercise or other lifestyle changes improve my condition?


  • Would vitamin and mineral supplements be helpful?


  • If my vision can't be corrected, can you refer me for low vision resources and rehabilitation services?




When Was Your Last Eye Exam?


Remember, the best way to protect your vision is to schedule regular, thorough, dilated eye exams to check for hidden signs of sight-threatening conditions. Ask yourself and your family members—"When was your last eye exam?" If it was more than two years ago, it's time to pick up the phone.


For more information or a comprehensive examination . . .


Since 1985, Eye Care Specialists has provided comprehensive medical, surgical and laser care for virtually every eye condition to more than 200,000 people. If you would like one of our free educational booklets on any of the eye concerns reviewed on this website, please complete this form or call our Communications & Education Department at 414-321-7520 ext. 207. To schedule a comprehensive eye examination or a second opinion evaluation, call any of our three convenient Milwaukee-area locations directly.



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